Mit seiner perfekt symmetrischen Form bietet unser rundes Porzellanemaille-Schild eine moderne Variante des traditionellen rechteckigen Hausschilds.
Hergestellt aus robustem Metall, das zu einem konvexen Kreis geformt und mit einer Porzellanschicht überzogen wurde, ist dieses Schild ein echter Hingucker an Ihrer Fassade. Die von Ihnen gewählte Hausnummer wird von Hand auf die glänzende Oberfläche des Schildes schabloniert, so dass ein feines Relief entsteht, das man gern anfassen möchte.
Gestalten Sie Ihr eigenes Schild, indem Sie eine Schriftart, einen passenden Farbton und einen Rahmen wählen.
With its sleek lines and perfectly symmetrical form, our porcelain enamel custom circle sign offers a modern update on the traditional rectangular house sign.
Made from highly durable metal, molded into a convex circle, that has been coated in layers of porcelain, this sign does plenty to keep up the style prestige.
Not to mention, you chosen house number is hand stenciled onto the sign's glossy surface to create a delicate raised relief that subtly grabs the attention of passers-by. Make it your own by choosing a typeface, an uplifting hue and a trim. +
With its sleek lines and perfectly symmetrical form, our porcelain enamel custom circle sign offers a modern update on the traditional rectangular house sign.
Made from highly durable metal, molded into a convex circle, that has been coated in layers of porcelain, this sign does plenty to keep up the style prestige.
Not to mention, you chosen house number is hand stenciled onto the sign's glossy surface to create a delicate raised relief that subtly grabs the attention of passers-by. Make it your own by choosing a typeface, an uplifting hue and a trim. +
With its sleek lines and perfectly symmetrical form, our porcelain enamel custom circle sign offers a modern update on the traditional rectangular house sign.
Made from highly durable metal, molded into a convex circle, that has been coated in layers of porcelain, this sign does plenty to keep up the style prestige.
Not to mention, you chosen house number is hand stenciled onto the sign's glossy surface to create a delicate raised relief that subtly grabs the attention of passers-by. Make it your own by choosing a typeface, an uplifting hue and a trim. +