11 × 7 cm (4⅜” x 2¾”)

Haz clic en "PERSONALIZAR" para escribir lo que desees en esta placa y recibirás una muestra digital del diseño dentro de 24 horas.

11 × 7 cm (4⅜” x 2¾”)


Los gastos de envío se calculan en la pantalla de pagos.

👍 Incluido: Envío estándar mundial

👍 Incluido: Garantía de satisfacción

👍 Incluido: Materiales de montaje

Welcome guests to your door with this European-inspired house sign designed to showcase your multi-digit house number or a short message.

Cut from sturdy steel and coated in layers of luxurious porcelain enamel, our master craftsmen ensure that your sign is made to last a lifetime.

The signature Metropolitan collection trim along with your chosen message is hand stenciled onto the ultramarine surface with the utmost precision creating a delicate raised relief that catches the light in all the right places. This sign is ideal for placing next to the front door or on the gatepost... the choices are endless.