14 x 9 cm (5½” x 3½”)

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14 x 9 cm (5½” x 3½”)


Versand wird an der Kasse berechnet.

👍 Inkl. Standard-Postversand weltweit

👍 Inkl. Geld-zurück-Garantie

👍 Inkl. Montagematerial

When it comes to small spaces it can be hard to find a house plaque that fits. At RAMSIGN we have a large variety of sizes, including this 14 x 9 cm horizontal oval.

This plaque belongs to the more compact signs of the collection, making it adaptable to many different spaces. Display a one-line customized statement on this sign and place it anywhere on your property.

The Metropolitan collection will add elegance to your home, and in this case, in a small but powerful dose. Start designing your own personalized plaque today!