26 × 42 cm (10¼” × 16½”)

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26 × 42 cm (10¼” × 16½”)


Versand wird an der Kasse berechnet.

👍 Inkl. Standard-Postversand weltweit

👍 Inkl. Geld-zurück-Garantie

👍 Inkl. Montagematerial

As one of the largest of the RAMSIGN Engelhardt collection, this vertical oval sign is a playful take on the iconic Danish porcelain enamel signs that this collection was inspired by.

This sign is ideal for homeowners who appreciate handcrafted, artisanal homewares. The black, glossy surface provides a very elegant appearance, while being very durable, thanks to the materials used to make it.

The 26 x 42 cm size is the best choice when wanting your home name or number to be visible from a distance.