12 × 10 cm (4¾” x 4")

Klik op "ONTWERPEN" om jouw tekst of nummer op dit bord te typen en je ontvangt binnen 24 uur een digitaal voorbeeld.

12 × 10 cm (4¾” x 4")


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The maxim "more is more" is something we take to heart when it comes to our Highlander collection. This 12 x 10 cm horizontal rectangle is our version of an updated square house number sign - just a slight bit bigger.

Choose to display multiple lines of text or create an extra large house number sign to ensure that your home can be seen from a distance. And to top it off, the bold double trim is a signature feature of the Highlander collection and is designed to make a statement.

The glossy porcelain enamel surface of this sign creates a luxurious appeal and protects the sign from tarnishing in bad weather.